Baron Custom Accessories Stainless Cable and Line Kit (+12") BA-8074KT-12

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Baron Custom Accessories Stainless Cable and Line Kit (+12") BA-8074KT-12

Product By : Baron Custom Accessories

Baron Custom Accessories Stainless Cable and Line Kit (+12") BA-8074KT-12 . This custom kit is designed specifically to save you the tremendous time and hassle of figuring out what cable and line lengths you need for your handlebarBaron provides everything you will need in one kit for a complete and proper installation on your specific motorcycleEach kit includes the correct length brake lines, clutch, and throttle cables (choke cable included when applicable)Fittings are chrome plated; cables and lines are Stainless Steel and have a clear-coated exterior which improves long lasting appearance and protects components from abrasionAll dual caliper kits come with our race routed two cable configuration, which runs two separate lines from the master cylinder with a dual banjo boltThis item fits the following models: 2006-2011 Kawasaki VN900B Vulcan 900 Classic2006-2011 Kawasaki VN900D Vulcan 900 Classic LT

  • This custom kit is designed specifically to save you the tremendous time and hassle of figuring out what cable and line lengths you need for your handlebar
  • Baron provides everything you will need in one kit for a complete and proper installation on your specific motorcycle
  • Each kit includes the correct length brake lines, clutch, and throttle cables (choke cable included when applicable)
  • Fittings are chrome plated; cables and lines are Stainless Steel and have a clear-coated exterior which improves long lasting appearance and protects components from abrasion
  • All dual caliper kits come with our race routed two cable configuration, which runs two separate lines from the master cylinder with a dual banjo bolt
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